Besplatna dijagnostika vozila povodom dana žena!

Auto vam trese, ne vuče najbolje ili je došlo je do promjene u zvuku i ponašanju motora? Ovo su najpoznatiji simptomi neispravnog sustava ubrizgavanja goriva na osobnim vozilima.

Povodom Dana žena poklanjamo besplatnu dijagnostiku vozila svim vozačicama koji sumnjaju na probleme s injektorima ili visokotlačnom pumpom goriva.

Akcija traje od 04.03. do 08.03.2024. do kraja dana.

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Besplatna dijagnostika vozila!

Osjećate li "miris" goriva u automobilu? Potrošnja je povećana ili auto ne ubrzava kao prije i imate osjećaj smanjene snage motora? Imate problema s pokretanjem motora ili auto "trese"? Sve ovo su mogući pokazatelji da imate problem sa sustavom za ubrizgavanje goriva.

Vrijeme je za dijagnostiku vozila!

U Bosch Diesel Centru od 15.08. do 01.10. 2022. besplatno obavite dijagnostiku vozila i tako saznajte sve što muči vaš automobil.

Akcija je namijenjena maloprodajnim kupcima u osobnom segmentu.

Besplatno testiranje injektora i pumpe u Bosch Diesel Centru

Jeste li primijetili da se vaše vozilo trese, lupa, dimi ili troši više goriva nego što bi trebalo? Ovo su najčešći znakovi koji ukazuju na probleme sustava ubrizgavanja. Pravovremeno ugrađeni reparirani injektori i pumpa goriva pozitivno utječu na potrošnju goriva, emisiju štetnih tvari kao i na rad motora.

Odradite reparaciju CR injektora i VT pumpe u Bosch Diesel Centru, a ulazno testiranje ćete dobiti potpuno besplatno.

Akcija se odnosi na gospodarska i osobna vozila i traje od 10. rujna do 31. prosinca 2021.

Common-Rail-Servicepakete - zwei Jahre Garantie

Common-rail service packages for all types of vehicles

During the operation, in addition to the general wear of the vehicle, there is also the wear of individual subsystems. One of the most important subsystems, that due to wear during operation, leads to poorer engine performance is the fuel preparation system, in our case the Common rail system. Thus, for example, the wear of the C-R fuel  injector manifests itself as improper engine operation, appearance of black or white exhaust fumes, difficult engine start, etc.

Poor operation of C-R fuel injectors occurs due to a number of reasons, starting with the formation of hard deposits in the injectors that forms in conditions of high pressure and temperature as impurities contained in the fuel excrete, worn surfaces of the injector nozzles and valve sets, but also as an internal mechanical damage to the aformentioned injector parts, as a result of micro-abrasion caused by hard micro-particles of the bearing surfaces of the pump elements, or the bearings of the pump drive shaft of the  high-pressure C-R fuel pump, that became loose due to wear.

By diagnosing the vehicle, it is possible to detect the malfunction of the engine, the fuel system, and to a limited extent also the C-R injectors, with additional workshop tests that enable the comparison of fuel return flows between the injectors. Often, the information gathered in this way is sufficient to make a decision on the replacement of the injectors, starting from the assumption that the malfunction of the injectors was caused by wear in normal operating conditions of the vehicle. However, it is often neglected to determine the true state of wear of a high-pressure fuel pump if it meets the criteria of the basic workshop tests that are provided in case of fuel system failures.

Thus, the high pressure C-R pump can achieve the required pressure and flow, have a satisfactory regulation/metering of fuel pressure/fuel flow, and at the same time due to the wear of the pump elements and bearings, separation of microparticles can go unnoticed. This can lead to pump failure, and injector failure as well, and the need for a major overhaul of the complete fuel system. Thus, in a short time the fuel system failure repeats, but this time on a larger scale.

One way to reduce the likelihood of such an event is to check the appearance of the metering unit and the fine fuel filter if small metal particles have been accumulated, and another, a more reliable way, is to dismantle the pump and inspect all the parts in a disassembled condition.

Although the estimated working lifetime of the C-R fuel injection systems, according to, for example the manufacturer Bosch, should on passenger cars reach 300,000 km, light commercial vehicles 400,000 km, medium-duty commercial vehicles 750,000 km, heavy commercial vehicles 1,600,000 km, working machines 12,000 - 15,000 working hours,  in most cases the actual durability of the C-R fuel system has been shown to be significantly shorter and is generally limited by the quality of maintenance and fuel that is burnt.

Therefore, it makes sense to take into account all risks at the first signs of wear and consider the option of a complete overhaul of the C-R fuel system, as in the case of partial repair the vehicle can be on the road relatively quickly, but the risk of subsequent failure in case of excessive wear of the high pressure fuel pump can´t be eliminated. Although it is possible to point out worn-out components with a systematic approach, the fact is that in most cases all components of the C-R fuel system are almost equally worn-out,  and that with the appearance of the first sign of wear they all are dangerously close to the end of their working lifetime

That is why a C-R service package has been designed, with the aim to promote the approach of complete overhaul of the C-R fuel system, which in only one step or workshop visit, during which all key high-load and wear-exposed C-R fuel system components are replaced.

Thus, in addition to a quick repair, the owner of the vehicle also receives a two-year warranty for the repair if it is performed in a workshop authorized for that type of repair, and all C-R service package components are built-in during the repair procedure.

The installation of the C-R service package almost completely avoids sudden, extensive and very expensive repairs of the C-R fuel system, significantly improving the performance of the engine compared to the operation of the engine with a worn-out C-R fuel system, by primarily reducing consumption and harmful emissions, and increasing the power and reliability of the engine.

Während des Betriebs kommt es neben dem allgemeinen Verschleiß des Fahrzeugs auch zum Verschleiß einzelner Systeme. Eines der wichtigsten Systeme, das aufgrund von Verschleiß während des Betriebs zu einer schlechteren Motorleistung führt, ist das Kraftstoffsystem, in unserem Fall das Common-Rail-System.

Common-rail servisni paketi i dvogodišnje jamstvo na popravak

Common-rail service packages for all types of vehicles

During the operation, in addition to the general wear of the vehicle, there is also the wear of individual subsystems. One of the most important subsystems, that due to wear during operation, leads to poorer engine performance is the fuel preparation system, in our case the Common rail system. Thus, for example, the wear of the C-R fuel  injector manifests itself as improper engine operation, appearance of black or white exhaust fumes, difficult engine start, etc.

Poor operation of C-R fuel injectors occurs due to a number of reasons, starting with the formation of hard deposits in the injectors that forms in conditions of high pressure and temperature as impurities contained in the fuel excrete, worn surfaces of the injector nozzles and valve sets, but also as an internal mechanical damage to the aformentioned injector parts, as a result of micro-abrasion caused by hard micro-particles of the bearing surfaces of the pump elements, or the bearings of the pump drive shaft of the  high-pressure C-R fuel pump, that became loose due to wear.

By diagnosing the vehicle, it is possible to detect the malfunction of the engine, the fuel system, and to a limited extent also the C-R injectors, with additional workshop tests that enable the comparison of fuel return flows between the injectors. Often, the information gathered in this way is sufficient to make a decision on the replacement of the injectors, starting from the assumption that the malfunction of the injectors was caused by wear in normal operating conditions of the vehicle. However, it is often neglected to determine the true state of wear of a high-pressure fuel pump if it meets the criteria of the basic workshop tests that are provided in case of fuel system failures.

Thus, the high pressure C-R pump can achieve the required pressure and flow, have a satisfactory regulation/metering of fuel pressure/fuel flow, and at the same time due to the wear of the pump elements and bearings, separation of microparticles can go unnoticed. This can lead to pump failure, and injector failure as well, and the need for a major overhaul of the complete fuel system. Thus, in a short time the fuel system failure repeats, but this time on a larger scale.

One way to reduce the likelihood of such an event is to check the appearance of the metering unit and the fine fuel filter if small metal particles have been accumulated, and another, a more reliable way, is to dismantle the pump and inspect all the parts in a disassembled condition.

Although the estimated working lifetime of the C-R fuel injection systems, according to, for example the manufacturer Bosch, should on passenger cars reach 300,000 km, light commercial vehicles 400,000 km, medium-duty commercial vehicles 750,000 km, heavy commercial vehicles 1,600,000 km, working machines 12,000 - 15,000 working hours,  in most cases the actual durability of the C-R fuel system has been shown to be significantly shorter and is generally limited by the quality of maintenance and fuel that is burnt.

Therefore, it makes sense to take into account all risks at the first signs of wear and consider the option of a complete overhaul of the C-R fuel system, as in the case of partial repair the vehicle can be on the road relatively quickly, but the risk of subsequent failure in case of excessive wear of the high pressure fuel pump can´t be eliminated. Although it is possible to point out worn-out components with a systematic approach, the fact is that in most cases all components of the C-R fuel system are almost equally worn-out,  and that with the appearance of the first sign of wear they all are dangerously close to the end of their working lifetime

That is why a C-R service package has been designed, with the aim to promote the approach of complete overhaul of the C-R fuel system, which in only one step or workshop visit, during which all key high-load and wear-exposed C-R fuel system components are replaced.

Thus, in addition to a quick repair, the owner of the vehicle also receives a two-year warranty for the repair if it is performed in a workshop authorized for that type of repair, and all C-R service package components are built-in during the repair procedure.

The installation of the C-R service package almost completely avoids sudden, extensive and very expensive repairs of the C-R fuel system, significantly improving the performance of the engine compared to the operation of the engine with a worn-out C-R fuel system, by primarily reducing consumption and harmful emissions, and increasing the power and reliability of the engine.

Tijekom eksploatacije vozila, uz opće trošenje vozila, dolazi i do trošenja pojedinih podsustava. Jedan od važnijih podsustava koji uslijed trošenja tijekom rada dovodi do lošijeg rada motora je sustav za pripremu goriva. Tako se primjerice istrošenost injektora za ubrizgavanje goriva manifestira kao nepravilan rad motora, pojava crnog ili bijelog dima ispušnih plinova, otežani start motora itd.

Common-rail service packages - two-year warranty

Common-rail service packages for all types of vehicles

During the operation, in addition to the general wear of the vehicle, there is also the wear of individual subsystems. One of the most important subsystems, that due to wear during operation, leads to poorer engine performance is the fuel preparation system, in our case the Common rail system. Thus, for example, the wear of the C-R fuel  injector manifests itself as improper engine operation, appearance of black or white exhaust fumes, difficult engine start, etc.

Poor operation of C-R fuel injectors occurs due to a number of reasons, starting with the formation of hard deposits in the injectors that forms in conditions of high pressure and temperature as impurities contained in the fuel excrete, worn surfaces of the injector nozzles and valve sets, but also as an internal mechanical damage to the aformentioned injector parts, as a result of micro-abrasion caused by hard micro-particles of the bearing surfaces of the pump elements, or the bearings of the pump drive shaft of the  high-pressure C-R fuel pump, that became loose due to wear.

By diagnosing the vehicle, it is possible to detect the malfunction of the engine, the fuel system, and to a limited extent also the C-R injectors, with additional workshop tests that enable the comparison of fuel return flows between the injectors. Often, the information gathered in this way is sufficient to make a decision on the replacement of the injectors, starting from the assumption that the malfunction of the injectors was caused by wear in normal operating conditions of the vehicle. However, it is often neglected to determine the true state of wear of a high-pressure fuel pump if it meets the criteria of the basic workshop tests that are provided in case of fuel system failures.

Thus, the high pressure C-R pump can achieve the required pressure and flow, have a satisfactory regulation/metering of fuel pressure/fuel flow, and at the same time due to the wear of the pump elements and bearings, separation of microparticles can go unnoticed. This can lead to pump failure, and injector failure as well, and the need for a major overhaul of the complete fuel system. Thus, in a short time the fuel system failure repeats, but this time on a larger scale.

One way to reduce the likelihood of such an event is to check the appearance of the metering unit and the fine fuel filter if small metal particles have been accumulated, and another, a more reliable way, is to dismantle the pump and inspect all the parts in a disassembled condition.

Although the estimated working lifetime of the C-R fuel injection systems, according to, for example the manufacturer Bosch, should on passenger cars reach 300,000 km, light commercial vehicles 400,000 km, medium-duty commercial vehicles 750,000 km, heavy commercial vehicles 1,600,000 km, working machines 12,000 - 15,000 working hours,  in most cases the actual durability of the C-R fuel system has been shown to be significantly shorter and is generally limited by the quality of maintenance and fuel that is burnt.

Therefore, it makes sense to take into account all risks at the first signs of wear and consider the option of a complete overhaul of the C-R fuel system, as in the case of partial repair the vehicle can be on the road relatively quickly, but the risk of subsequent failure in case of excessive wear of the high pressure fuel pump can´t be eliminated. Although it is possible to point out worn-out components with a systematic approach, the fact is that in most cases all components of the C-R fuel system are almost equally worn-out,  and that with the appearance of the first sign of wear they all are dangerously close to the end of their working lifetime

That is why a C-R service package has been designed, with the aim to promote the approach of complete overhaul of the C-R fuel system, which in only one step or workshop visit, during which all key high-load and wear-exposed C-R fuel system components are replaced.

Thus, in addition to a quick repair, the owner of the vehicle also receives a two-year warranty for the repair if it is performed in a workshop authorized for that type of repair, and all C-R service package components are built-in during the repair procedure.

The installation of the C-R service package almost completely avoids sudden, extensive and very expensive repairs of the C-R fuel system, significantly improving the performance of the engine compared to the operation of the engine with a worn-out C-R fuel system, by primarily reducing consumption and harmful emissions, and increasing the power and reliability of the engine.

During the operation, in addition to the general wear of the vehicle, there is also the wear of individual subsystems. One of the most important subsystems, that due to wear during operation, leads to poorer engine performance is the fuel preparation system, in our case the Common rail system. Thus, for example, the wear of the C-R fuel  injector manifests itself as improper engine operation, appearance of black or white exhaust fumes, difficult engine start, etc.

Diesel motori - boje dima ispušnih plinova

Diesel engines -  smoke colors of the exhaust gases

The smoke colors of the exhaust gases usually indicate the existence of technical problems in the operation of a diesel engine, which should be eliminated as soon as possible.

Exhaust smoke indicates a change in the efficiency of the combustion process, and its color aids in diagnostic activities. The reduced efficiency of the combustion process may be due to the poor ratio of air, fuel and low air temperature when injecting fuel into the cylinder, but some uncontrollable although influential factors can also contribute to this.

In general, it is possible to tolerate a small amount of smoke a few moments after starting the engine, but if the smoke is present during engine operation, its color can help us determine the cause, which will be then easier and faster to eliminate. In practice, black, white and blue smoke are the most often spoken of.

Thus, black smoke can be associated with too rich a mixture in the combustion process, that is too much fuel, or too much engine load (which is common on older generation of heavy equipment).

Too rich a mixture can result from an insufficient amount of air in relation to the amount that is required, or as an excessive amount of fuel in relation to the correct amount of air. In practice, there are potentially a number of causes:

• Clogged air cleaner,
• Damaged od worn-out fuel injectors,
• Incorrect injector timing,
• Clogged air, fuel or oil filters,
• Damaged injection pump,
• Damaged/clogged EGR cooler,
• Damaged turbocharger,
• Damaged intercooler,
• Over-fueling of the engine,
• Damaged valves in cylinder head,
• Improper valve clearance,
• Low compression due to damaged piston rings,
• Excessive engine sludge build up.


The white smoke, which irritates the eyes and has the characteristic smell of diesel fuel, indicates an insufficiently high temperature during fuel injection, and incomplete fuel combustion. Under normal circumstances, such smoke can occur during engine start-up in cold weather, with a lower compression engine, and by retarded ignition. It is an incomplete combustion process during which unburned fuel produces white smoke, which often disappears after a short idle time, during which the engine warms up and thus achieves a better compression ratio.

However, if the white colored smoke with the smell of diesel fuel is constantly present, it could be due to a number of other causes:

• Damaged or worn-out injectors,
• Faulty injection timing,
• Damaged crankshaft keyway,
• Damaged timing gear,
• Low cylinder compression,
• Damaged rings or cylinder liners,
• Damaged fuel lines,
• Low fuel pressure to the fuel pump,
• Damaged or incorrect fuel pump timing.

If, on the other hand, an excessive amount of white exhaust smoke with a smell of coolant, is still present after the engine has warmed up, the engine must be inspected for possible internal coolant leaks. Internal coolant leakage can also contaminate engine oil giving it a frothy, milky appearance. Even small amounts of coolant entering the combustion chamber will create white exhaust smoke.

The main causes for this type of failure are:

• Cracking or deformation of the cylinder head,

• Rupture of the engine block,

• Cylinder head gasket failure caused by overheating.


Due to cracks in the cylinder head or block, it is possible for the coolant to leak into one or more cylinders.

Blue smoke is almost always the result of the combined combustion of injected fuel and engine oil that enters the compression space uncontrollably, and some of the reasons why this happens are the following:

• Damaged or worn piston rings,
• Damaged or worn cylinders,
• Damaged or worn valve guides,
• Damaged or worn stem seals,
• Overfill of engine with oil,
• Damaged lift pump,
• Fuel mixed with oil,
• Polished cylinder linings,
• Inadequate grade of engine oil.


If you notice a change in the operation of the engine, accompanied with black, blue or white smoke, that is constantly present during engine operation, it is time to immediately visit the workshop.

Boje dima ispušnih plinova najčešće ukazuju na postojanje tehničkih problema u radu motora koje je uputno što prije otkloniti. 

Dieselmotoren - Rauchfarben der Abgase

Diesel engines -  smoke colors of the exhaust gases

The smoke colors of the exhaust gases usually indicate the existence of technical problems in the operation of a diesel engine, which should be eliminated as soon as possible.

Exhaust smoke indicates a change in the efficiency of the combustion process, and its color aids in diagnostic activities. The reduced efficiency of the combustion process may be due to the poor ratio of air, fuel and low air temperature when injecting fuel into the cylinder, but some uncontrollable although influential factors can also contribute to this.

In general, it is possible to tolerate a small amount of smoke a few moments after starting the engine, but if the smoke is present during engine operation, its color can help us determine the cause, which will be then easier and faster to eliminate. In practice, black, white and blue smoke are the most often spoken of.

Thus, black smoke can be associated with too rich a mixture in the combustion process, that is too much fuel, or too much engine load (which is common on older generation of heavy equipment).

Too rich a mixture can result from an insufficient amount of air in relation to the amount that is required, or as an excessive amount of fuel in relation to the correct amount of air. In practice, there are potentially a number of causes:

• Clogged air cleaner,
• Damaged od worn-out fuel injectors,
• Incorrect injector timing,
• Clogged air, fuel or oil filters,
• Damaged injection pump,
• Damaged/clogged EGR cooler,
• Damaged turbocharger,
• Damaged intercooler,
• Over-fueling of the engine,
• Damaged valves in cylinder head,
• Improper valve clearance,
• Low compression due to damaged piston rings,
• Excessive engine sludge build up.


The white smoke, which irritates the eyes and has the characteristic smell of diesel fuel, indicates an insufficiently high temperature during fuel injection, and incomplete fuel combustion. Under normal circumstances, such smoke can occur during engine start-up in cold weather, with a lower compression engine, and by retarded ignition. It is an incomplete combustion process during which unburned fuel produces white smoke, which often disappears after a short idle time, during which the engine warms up and thus achieves a better compression ratio.

However, if the white colored smoke with the smell of diesel fuel is constantly present, it could be due to a number of other causes:

• Damaged or worn-out injectors,
• Faulty injection timing,
• Damaged crankshaft keyway,
• Damaged timing gear,
• Low cylinder compression,
• Damaged rings or cylinder liners,
• Damaged fuel lines,
• Low fuel pressure to the fuel pump,
• Damaged or incorrect fuel pump timing.

If, on the other hand, an excessive amount of white exhaust smoke with a smell of coolant, is still present after the engine has warmed up, the engine must be inspected for possible internal coolant leaks. Internal coolant leakage can also contaminate engine oil giving it a frothy, milky appearance. Even small amounts of coolant entering the combustion chamber will create white exhaust smoke.

The main causes for this type of failure are:

• Cracking or deformation of the cylinder head,

• Rupture of the engine block,

• Cylinder head gasket failure caused by overheating.


Due to cracks in the cylinder head or block, it is possible for the coolant to leak into one or more cylinders.

Blue smoke is almost always the result of the combined combustion of injected fuel and engine oil that enters the compression space uncontrollably, and some of the reasons why this happens are the following:

• Damaged or worn piston rings,
• Damaged or worn cylinders,
• Damaged or worn valve guides,
• Damaged or worn stem seals,
• Overfill of engine with oil,
• Damaged lift pump,
• Fuel mixed with oil,
• Polished cylinder linings,
• Inadequate grade of engine oil.


If you notice a change in the operation of the engine, accompanied with black, blue or white smoke, that is constantly present during engine operation, it is time to immediately visit the workshop.

Die Rauchfarben der Abgase weisen normalerweise auf technische Probleme beim Betrieb eines Dieselmotors hin, die so schnell wie möglich beseitigt werden sollten.